秘书处联系方式: 电话:010-85115209 E-mail:lengmingjian@cmisi.cn
电话:0510-86907777-8101 E-mail:zhu_weijun@chinafasten.com
委员会成员(P成员): 奥地利(ASI),比利时(NBN),巴西(ABNT),中国(SAC),芬兰(SFS),法国(AFNOR),
德国(DIN),伊朗伊斯兰共和国 (INSO),意大利(UNI),日本(JISC),韩国(KATS),
No. |
Standard |
Title |
1 |
ISO/DIS 2232 |
Round non-alloy steel wires for general purpose wire ropes, large diameter wire ropes and mine hoisting wire ropes —Specifications |
2 |
ISO/WD 3444 |
Stainless steel wire ropes |
3 |
ISO/DIS 4344 |
Steel wire ropes for lifts — Minimum requirements |
4 |
ISO/AWI 10425 |
Steel wire ropes for the petroleum and natural gas industries — Minimum requirements and terms of acceptance |
No. |
Standard |
Title |
1 |
ISO 2232:1990 |
Round drawn wire for general purpose non-alloy steel wire ropes and for large diameter steel wire ropes — Specifications |
2 |
ISO 2262:1984 |
General purpose thimbles for use with steel wire ropes — Specification |
3 |
ISO 2408:2017 |
Steel wire ropes — Requirements |
4 |
ISO 3108:2017 |
Steel wire ropes — Test method — Determination of measured breaking force |
5 |
ISO 4101:1983 |
Drawn steel wire for elevator ropes — Specifications |
6 |
ISO 4344:2004 |
Steel wire ropes for lifts — Minimum requirements |
7 |
ISO 4345:1988 |
Steel wire ropes — Fibre main cores — Specification |
8 |
ISO 4346:1977 |
Steel wire ropes for general purposes — Lubricants — Basic requirements |
9 |
ISO 6984:1990 |
Round non-alloy steel wires for stranded wire ropes for mine hoisting — Specifications |
10 |
ISO 7531:1987 |
Wire rope slings for general purposes — Characteristics and specifications |
11 |
ISO 8792:1986 |
Wire rope slings — Safety criteria and inspection procedures for use |
12 |
ISO 8793:1986 |
Steel wire ropes — Ferrule-secured eye terminations |
13 |
ISO 8794:1986 |
Steel wire ropes — Spliced eye terminations for slings |
14 |
ISO 10425:2003 |
Steel wire ropes for the petroleum and natural gas industries — Minimum requirements and terms of acceptance |
15 |
ISO 12076:2002 |
Steel wire ropes — Determination of the actual modulus of elasticity |
16 |
ISO 16839:2013 |
Steel wire ropes — Determination of the transverse rigidity of steel wire ropes under no axial load condition |
17 |
ISO 16841:2014 |
Steel wire ropes — Pulling eyes for rope installation — Types and minimum requirements |
18 |
ISO 17558:2006 |
Steel wire ropes — Socketing procedures — Molten metal and resin socketing |
19 |
ISO 17893:2004 |
Steel wire ropes — Vocabulary, designation and classification |
20 |
ISO 17893:2004/AMD 1:2010 |
Steel wire ropes — Vocabulary, designation and classification — Amendment 1 |
21 |
ISO 19427:2019 |
Steel wire ropes — Pre-fabricated parallel wire strands for suspension bridge main cable — Specifications |
22 |
ISO 21669:2005 |
Steel wire ropes — Determination of rotational properties |